Season 18 - 2008/09

Event 1 - McMahons Point -


Course Setter
Super Veteran Men (Age 55 to 64)
Person Club Points
1 Dave Dash GO N 100
Score (45)
Super Veteran Men (Age 55 to 64)
Person Club Points
1 Warwick Selby GO N NAN
1 Ross Barr GO N NAN
1 David Bowerman GO N NAN
1 Dave Lotty UR N NAN
1 Gordon Wilson BN N NAN
1 Ian Miller WH N NAN
1 Terry Murphy UR N NAN
1 Michael Roylance BF N NAN
1 Ross Emslie NAN
1 David Gatwood BF N NAN
1 Neil Hawthorne GO N NAN
1 Ross Duker GO N NAN
1 Chris Johnson 100
1 Dennis Sparling GO N NAN
1 Ross Catterall GO N NAN
1 Ernest Windschuttel GO N NAN
1 John Giles GO N NAN
1 Jonathan D'Arcy GO N NAN